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IHLA Scholarship 2016

Good day readers! Now I'm going to tell you about Indonesian Hotel Leaders Academy (IHLA) Scholarship 2016. I am  a part of the lucky students who had been chosen as BEM Elizabeth International member. And automatically BEM Member have a chance to gets IHLA Scholarship 2016. Me and more than fifty students were invited to attend IHLA scholarship soft launching in Elizabeth Gianyar second building, it located on Jalan Bypass Dharma Giri Gianyar. We are the first generation of IHLA Scholarship, it was amazing, and I'm very excited for this.

The cabinet of BEM Elizabeth International 2016/2017

The member of IHLA Scholarship will get extra classes. We have a chance to learn more about leadership. One of IHLA Scholarship’s goals is to create future leader now. Leader is not just about how you can leading people, but it is about how leader can create another leader. So we are as the IHLA Scholarship member should motivated our friends to be a leader too.

For now, the member of IHLA Scholarship 2016 are the students of Elizabeth International Hotel Management School. The next mission of IHLA Scholarship is the member should be the best students of many tourism and hospitality college around Indonesia or maybe around the world. It’s excellent, and I'm proud to this big dream, I hope that it can be realize as soon as possible.

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FAQ Seputar Kuliah di Elizabeth International

Hallo, wellcome to my new post! Kali ini saya mau sharing tentang pertanyaan yang seringkali ditanyakan seputar kampus Elizabeth. Meskipun sudah lulus tahun lalu, ternyata citra sebagai siswi elizabeth masih melekat di saya. Alhasil masih banyak yang sering nanya info tentang almamater saya yang satu ini. Check this out, :)